Wednesday, March 21, 2007

should be studying

this whole facebook withdrawal thing is harder than i thought it would be. now instead of spending a couple hours on it here and there, i just accidentally keep typing into the URL bar, then i reach the log-in screen which is when i go: oh, yeahh... i forgot i'm not doing this for now. which only happens once every 10-15 minutes. so when you think about it, the time wasted on facebook is slowly but surely decreasing. my goal is to log on once a week by summer time. wow, i'm so freaking deep right now with my thoughts. that's why you should read this blog, because one post may be the most insightful thought about spirituality you have ever reasoned with and the next just might be about cringeworthy showers are. and i just created a word called "cringeworthy"--NICE.
i haven't started my statistics homework yet but i did email my teacher. so i guess i'm at least thinking about it right now. i'll stay here all night if i have to for this to be done. yeeup, i'm sure beaner's will love that. it's not like i can procrastinate, drink free water, and listen to crappy underground latino music anywhere else. soon i'm hoping that kaitlyn will come and join me in my procrastination. at least i have a clear view of people that are studying and being model college students from here. so i know what it looks like to actually do work and i can recognize that this is clearly not work.
i just found a list of good questions that make you think, maybe i will just work my way down the list with each entry. the first question is not applicable to me at all so i'll just start with numero dos:

If you knew that there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would you do?

i would purchase an economy-sized boat and travel Noah style to Antarctica bringing my family and friends, note: left behind would for sure be my statistics text. actually, in all seriousness i would probably go see all of the people that mean the world to me and just love on them and tell them exactly what they mean to me. as cheesy as that sounds, that question is very difficult to answer and i wonder what everyone else would do.

God is love,

note to self: purchase headphones before this funky indie music gets to me

p.s. this made me laugh as i was going through my lab procedure for tomorrow... i will be sure to include this crucial step in my write-up.
Procedure: You will be given 1 orange from which the peel is to be taken. Peel and eat the orange outside the lab.

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