Sunday, January 20, 2008


my 2nd time getting pulled over occurred tonite. i've never been a fan of the usual open-ended question: "do you know why i pulled you over?" you know, you want to be truthful and all about what you were doing wrong... but at the same time you don't want to necessarily bring up a new violation that the officer was unaware of prior to the pop quiz.

fortunately, my answer matched his prenotion. while he took my license and registration to his car (probably facebooking or myspacing me), i was surprised at my lack of concern for potentially getting a ticket. kinda just turned my music back up and slouched in my seat to avoid future eye floaters from those numbingly bright spotlights they shine on you. not that i ever would, but all i could think about was how far i could actually get if i bolted out of my seat at that very second and started sprinting. i had a small wagering party going on in my head as i kept upping how far i could get before being tackled... or tasered. i'm glad he came back when he did, or i may have gone Stanford prison and taken off.

he just told me to have a good night; which i did.

1 comment:

jimmy said...

Good looking girls get it easy. I've only been pulled over once, and I got on my knees and begged to be let of with a warning (true story). But he wasn't hearing it. I still got the ticket.